
60 years of China, 50 error of Tibet, 20 ironing of Tiananmen and the future of Capitalism

Here my amateur observation as amateur writer and amateur photographer. Capitalism was for sure not invented in the west, it may cultivated there to an extend, but its not the idea of one man or god, similar to the bible it was rewritten and rewritten, the Koran to, it was a collective achievement. The exploitation of many and the profit of some had tradition in old Tibet. As it is written in many books, around 5% of the total population the upper class was exploiting the remaining 95%.

It seams, that the Tibetan ruling class tried to defend with all means this status, not to loose their privileges. Horrible looking demons prevented the 95% to even think about change, horror and fear was system immanent, the revenge of karma was even worse, if one of the 95% was unsatisfied with his/her position and complained, the full automatic karma system in place guaranteed in the next live a even more dreadful position.

Feudalism and slavery was as well a western achievement and was for very long safeguarded for enabling the production of Victorian palaces and victorious live stile. The so called "serfdom" was appreciated for long time in the west. I do not know the percentage how the relations have been, but it would be interesting to have a number on the continuos decline in this particular setting of humankind, till now.

In Tibet around 1950 there was still the clerical feudalistic state in place, defending the changes Mao Tse Tung had in mind, but finally the ruling class (some of the clerics and the aristocrats, including the Dalai Lama) decided on 17. March 1959 to flee and a new ruling class was put in place. The Dalai Lama does not make a good figure in this game, between him and his followers and Chinese government.

As long as I observing the scene, I never hear comments on old Tibet. Walking hand in hand with McCain can give the impression that conservatives have positive view on "serfdom"?

Here in Beijing in the meanwhile fake and original Tibetan memorabilia are on wholesale even iron feet cuffs you can buy. I understand the Dalai Lama's schizophrenic and difficult position, on one hand pressed by his own power circles to stay in line, than to care about the mass of Tibetans in Diaspora, than the Chinese Government on his neck with childish populist comments and the modern times, which demand something else than good old slow Tibet monk live, embedded in an array of hierarchical monasteries. Tibet in prosperous times was the size of Europe, a 1/4 of China and this my dear Panchen and Dalai Lama is gone for ever.

Tibet is the main water reservoir for China, we know what that means today, no one knows what kind of minerals are in the earth, the Tibetan aristocracy played bad politics and lost the game. Maybe Mr. Dalai Lama its time to swap sides and leave the 5% alone and join the 95% fully. I have no inside know how of the books, who gets what and when but in time of micro finance this seams manageable.

Today in China, the Chinese government officials rejecting the idea of democracy or multi party state, they say that doesn't fit to China, interestingly Capitalism fits, Capitalism was adopted to full extend so far that China was able to become the factory of the world.

We all know by now, how the profits and wealth was achieved, some workers say: " they do not think there is a difference between, being in a prison or work in that factory. It is for sure not the same feudalistic "serfdom" which was terminated in Tibet, but today in modern China, obey and serf is a common setting in the economic driven society and it is embedded in a collective restrain for wealth and happiness, independent to how bad the salary is.

We can call it servile, humbleness, devote, but what plays in my view a major role in such a setting is, the sheer patience chines people still have, I have experienced here in China. Each grip on something has a complete different time scale, for sure its longer. Here i can see the deep routed accepting of an momentarily state of happiness or misery. We in the west mostly want to get rid instantly from what so ever similar, best to push the button.

These days Ms. Clinton is meeting the Chinese foreign minister and basically bagging Chinese politicians to continue to shop for US Treasury bonds, China owns 700 billion $ in US treasury debts and buys dayli more. Before China she visted the Russian foreign Minister, she gave him a present. A yellow box with a red push button on it, mistakably translated as blow up instead of restart.

Some days ago on one market in Beijing, someone from behind, was offering me an interesting photo album full of private documentary photos of the Tiananmen situation in 1989, very interesting photos, but I hesitated to buy 800 $ was to much. What was interesting is the aesthetic, the atmosphere, the climax seen in these pictures. Almost identical pictures i have seen from Woodstock festival 1969, not stressed and grim looking people, but young and open. For what open I cant say now. Books also say that the CIA had his fingers in it, as in the Tibet situation and for sure chairman Mao even dead by now (1976) did not liked that. People in Beijing say that this was the time when Chinese people lost their soul and escaped straight in to pathologic consumerism, called shopping spree.

For sure it is a different cup of tea, to manage a state big as China. Guarantee all the inhabitants food, safety, education and work, they are states out there in the World, which even cant provide one of the four. This is in 2009 achieved, even with a 50 million unemployed force. In the last assembly gathering in Beijing on the Tiananmen, there have been even ideas providing health care for everyone.

What in my opinion needs to be tackled urgently is the corruption, it is the biggest danger of all China is exposed to, because it seams so natural that everyone is basically corrupted and sells all and everything to the highest bidder, regardless how low the bid is. It demoralises the whole population and brings back the state of "Serfdom", the mechanics of fear are not anymore demons or concepts of incarnation, the fear is brought by cash and the scare of loosing your job and descent into homelessness.

To avoid such a state slump, many are just avoiding to think to use there brain individually, but rather obey to a non existent common capitalistic doctrine, even the poorest one accepts that. That shows how, flexible and compatible and universal capitalism is.

This is not a victory that leads into bad state, we have this in a softer version in the west as well. Here I call it self censorship, most people in the west censoring them self's automatically to avoid similar sanctions. The difference between corruption and self censorship is marginal, both states evoke dulness, lethargy and are leading to a society which basically accepts willing less all what is happening as long there is entertainment served with it. Was it in old Rome the same, they had the Colosseum for that isn't it, in England they have Old Trafford.

The newest ideological propaganda coup in Hollywood was awarded just recently with several Oscar's, "Slum dog millionaire", here the industry is celebrating there own propaganda movie for hopeful masses, to obey to capitalism. It is time on all sides to rethink concepts of society, the problem for capitalism is that it does not have an ideological enemy, it is soaked through everything to everywhere, there is no resistance. The capitalist nomenclature gets weak and tired, just defending what they gained and it runs out of ideas and innovations. Look into desperado Republicans in the US what they doing now.

Capitalism is not a political concept and neither comparable to a Christian doctrine, it is concept for a market, so not only Capitalism needs to be re-assessed, but urgent upgrade is necessary for the regulatory framework, which is how to govern a society and organise the distribution of the wealth. Interestingly the so called west shifted priorities from a production industry to a service industry. Serfdom, Service, servitium, 服务 (fuwu).

I appreciate and honour good service, it is part of good live quality and there is little which is worse than bad service. Service in an public way always involves money and that is part of the business.

There is another side of the moon, conservatives say, there is not enough for everyone, we are against a social welfare state, everything should undergo the survival of the fittest scheme, then and only then you can climb the property ladder the slow way out of the rat race (british say). Taking this as a fact and relay it to the suffering which is system immanent, then my question is, was the Tibetan society framework, if you go all the way, something realistic and all the well fare state something illusionary?

Yesterday I was talking to Tibetan woman, about all this, she did not understood all to full extend what I was talking about, but what she left me with was the impression that the majority is unhappy with the current situation, especially with the intrusion of more and more Chinese people into Tibet. But for sure I will research more, what it is all about.

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