
Sodom and Gomorrah has tornados as well

After nuclear traces, London was today visited by a tornado. Proud young inhabitants banned pictures on their mobile phones, older ones compared it with Wizard of Ozz, and others renamed the streets tornado alley and some called it the twister in the city. The general entertainment level hitting high these days; just an earthquake can top the expectations.
Media merchandise catastrophes, wars, accidents, tsunamis, crime and misery.

The two men Charlie Chaplin and Adolf Hitler, were born within four days of each other, CC on the 16th April 1889 in East Street, Walworth a place in the London Borough of Southwark., AH on the 20th April 1889 in Braunau am Inn a place in upper Austria. The Great Dictator, written in the late thirties but not released until 1940, when Hitler's war swept Europe. Chaplin plays both Adenoid Hynkel, the power-mad ruler of Tomania, and a humble Jewish barber suffering under the dictator's rule.

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