Netarts.org (aka Art on the Net) run by the Art on the Net steering committee and the Machida City Museum of Graphic Arts.
Wednesday 18 November 2009, 10am-4pm
Department of Music, City University London, Northampton Square, London EC1V 0HB
You are invited to contribute to a Mail-Art project across physical and digital networks towards an open exhibition at HTTP Gallery
We live in a time of social, economic and ecological unravelling. All around us are signs that our whole way of living is already passing into history. - Uncivilisation, The Dark Mountain Manifesto.
Remember those Star Trek episodes "Scotty, beam me up!" ?
We humans have always dreamed of "beaming" ourselves, objects or even travel in time. In fact, every morning I travel on the London Underground to work, I ask myself how the world would look like, if we could all be "beamed". But that's all science fiction - everybody would agree!
The dawn of the web has given the word "publishing" a whole lot of new dimensions. In fact, the web is nothing but about publishing after all. Publishing means basically making content, mainly text, images and multimedia available for a broader audience. Since such a wide audience can now reach the web, online media has become an interesting channel for publishing. There are several advantages of online publishing, amongst which the most important one is probably the timeliness. Publishing on the web has become more or less instant, particularly since the rise of "Web 2.0", the participative web.
You can see two pioneers out of four, John Cage - MUSIK and Merce Cunnigham - DANCE, video about a ground breaking performance, written in 1955, performed in 1982.