BodyDataSpace thier event had been held 6th,7th and 13th March and they host three evening the extending cross over between body reactive interfaces, large screen display and public/performative interventions. Movie file is next page!!
This event will be an excellent opportunity to discuss NODE.London's network structure, along with the larger relationships between networks and media art. NODE.L VOs, and everyone else interested in these issues (ie everyone reading this!) are encouraged to attend.
Sites and Para-sites: Networking Art
The Brandon Room
Monday, March 20
7:30 pm
£3/£2 ICA members
The London Consortium, the ICA and NODE.London present a conversation on how networks make artworks.
Google for "Andy Deck" and you will get hundreds (probably thousands) of websites, which rather ironically, define him in the same way: "Andy Deck makes public art for the Internet that resists generic categorization". Other keywords you are likely to find commonly associated with the artist Andy Deck are “net artâ€, “software artâ€, “screen-based interfacesâ€, “anti-corporatismâ€, and "anti-militarism".
The first of the Radio Noodles at Node-L podcast Mp3's has been completed.
Listen online to interviews and nostalgia from Sunday March 5th's Buck.Spc Node-L event, reanimating the iconoclastic London cyber cafe Backspace, now a Starbucks coffee shop.
Featuring interviews with the people who were there at the time, find out what they are up to now and hear there anecdotes plus a guide to mid-90s hits and headlines.
A weird feeling created by high frequency sound, combined with all this Pink light.
Some photos from " E:vent " Gallery for you
by Nako
On the way to HTTP Gallery I started to fear that I have been given the wrong URL.
Located at Unit A2, Arena Business Centre, 71 Ashfield Rd, N4 1NY.
For those of you that didn't get to see Andy Deck at the Dana Center, there is an exhibition of is work going on at HTTP Gallery.
The opening on the 9th was another great chance to meet the artist and have a friendly chat.
Someth;ng, the Interactive Media Art group that generated out of the Ravensbourne MA IDM course, has stablished itself as a venue for the Node.London season, hosting two exhibitions in March '06.
While some members of the group are in France taking Headspin and Midi Balls on a month long french tour, the rest are in London setting up the gallery space ready for the shows.
Traversing Territories / Ryoiki no yukiki: Tuesday 14th of March and
Potentially Someth;ng: Thursday 23rd to Sunday 26th of March
Is net art dead? That was the suggestion of one of the questions addressed to Andy. His answer was that if it was dead his death is a very slow one.
I regard the assumption that Nat Art is dead as funny at most. Probably suggested by people that are afraid to be left behind when seeing the shift of art presenting space from museums and galleries into the living rooms and offices.